lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014


Os alumnos de 3º PDC levan todo o curso axudándonos coa versión inglesa das nosas entradas. Tiveron moito traballo, porque non é doado traducir, pero fixéronno moi ben e puxeron moito interese. Si queredes aprender cómo se din en inglés moitas das cousas que teñen que ver co noso río Lamas, non tedes máis que preguntarlles a eles.
Mirade cómo traballan.
The students in 3rd PDC have been helping with the English version of our posts all the year. They had a lot of work because it is not easy to translate, but they did it very well and have a lot of interest. If you want to learn how to say in English many of the things that have to do with our Lamas river, you can ask them. Look at how they work.

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