lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014

Analise da auga no laboratorio / Analysis of water in the laboratory

Os alumnos de 3º da ESO aproveitaron a nosa última visita ao río Lamas para recoller mostras de auga para a súa posterior análise no laboratorio de Física e Química. Primeiramente recopilaron información sobre como realizar a mostraxe, posteriormente, xa no rio, recolleron auga en 3 puntos diferentes do tramo escollido e finalmente, xa de volta no instituto, no laboratorio fixeron o seguinte estudo:
 -. Unha separación dos sólidos en suspensión mediante filtración e cálculo cuantitativo mediante pesada do filtro antes e despois de filtrar.
 -. Cálculo do residuo seco mediante evaporación.

The students of 3rd ESO took advantage of our last visit to the river Lamas and collected water samples for subsequent analysis in the laboratory of physics and chemistry. First theycollected information on how to perform sampling, later, in the river, they collected water at three different points of the chosen stretch and finally, back in school,  they made ​​the following study in the laboratory:
-. A separation of suspended solids by filtration and quantitative calculation by heavy filter before and after filtering.
-. Calculating the residue dried by evaporation.

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