lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Maqueta do Río Lamas / Scale model of the River Lamas

Os alumnos e alumnas de 3º e 4º da ESO están a traballar na elaboración dunha maqueta a escala 1:2000 da nosa zona de estudo e conservación no Río Lamas. Cando a rematen teñen pensado expoñela na entrada do instituto para amosar esta tramo do río que estamos a custodiar ao resto da comunidade educativa.

The students of 3rd and 4th of ESO are working on developing a 1:2000 scale model of our study and conservation area in the River Lamas. When completed, they plan to expose it in the hall of the school to show this stretch of the river that we are looking after to the rest of the educational community.

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