martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Pedras que contan historias / Stones that tell stories

O río Lamas garda moitas sorpresas. Hoxe imos desvelar unha delas...Ten pedras que contan historias!! Bueno, contan historias con un pouco de axuda, claro. Alba e Lucía alumnas de G.E. de 1º da ESO están axudando a esas pedras a que conten historias. De momento están en proceso. Prometemos mantervos informados cos progresos das pedras contadoras de historias.
The river Lamas hides many surprises. Today we are going to reveal one of them ... It has got stones that tell stories! Well, they tell stories with a little help, of course. Alba and Lucia and students of  G.E. 1 ESO are helping those stones to tell stories. Right now they are in the process. We promise to keep you informed with the progress of the storyteller stones.

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